So I am sure you have heard about the whole VMA fiasco. When Kanye West stormed on the stage and interrupted Taylor when she was accepting her award for " Best Female Video". He took the mic from her and went on about how Beyonce should have won instead of her . I mean, that was just plain rude. I know he may not be a fan of Taylor or anything and felt strongly that Beyonce should have won, but to publicly humiliate a teenager like that? I mean cmon . He took the mic from her and made it perfectly clear Beyonce should have been the one standing on the stage instead of her! I wonder how Taylor must have felt. He dissed her on national television and ruined her 'big moment'. Beyonce must have wanted to run away and hide behind her purse because of how Kanye was acting like a dumb fool. You should have seen her face.
Of course he was criticized and alot of people are pissed off. Like seriously angry at Kanye. Not only are people like me and the rest of the world annoyed at this act of rudeness, but Obama even commented on the situation. Yes, Obama. You know the president of the United States of America. Barack Hussein Obama. Yeah, he called Kanye a "jackass". I was rolling on the floor laughing because of that. Who knew the former Harvard student and president of the freaking country would even care about the VMAs. I mean really. Hes got a demanding job but at least he has the time to catch up on whats happening in Tinsletown and calling celebrities "jackasses". Classic.
Anyway, back on the Kanye West dissing thing. Now, when I first heard about it through my friend Jess I was like" OMG!" but really didn't care. I've got more pressing issues in my life at the moment. But since its Friday I thought " oh well, what the heck". I read numerous articles about the issue and even watched the videos and I saw for myself. Now I am not going to rant on about how he is a jerk and all. It is not our job as humans to judge but I just find it strange that this is not the first time he has interrupted someone while they were saying their acceptance speech.
In November 2006, during the MTV Europe Awards Kanye West's video " Touch the Sky" failed to win. Kanye was so upset about his losing to Justice and Simian "We Are Your Friends" video that he stormed on stage, while they were saying their acceptance speech and made everyone know that HE should have won the award instead. He apologized for that event. Then a few days before the MTV Video Music Awards this year 2009 he was upset about not being chosen for the opening of the awards. He claimed race had to do with it."Maybe my skin’s not right" was what he said because Britney Spears had been chosen instead of him. Then the whole Taylor Swift thing happened. But how nice was it of Beyonce to let Taylor finish her speech?
So as you can see it is a pattern. It is not the first time this has happened. I do think what he did was wrong but I don't think he is a bad person. In a way it was kind of nice of him to mention his friend, Beyonce was the best but maybe it should have been done privately. After watching him on the 'Jay Leno Show' I began to feel sorry for him. I mean think about it. The guy has been through so much. He lost his mother and fiance. And it seems this losing of his mother has left him heartbroken. He is still hurting inside so in order to make himself feel better he is taking out his hurt and anger on others. And can you see the direction his music has taken. From singing about happy fun things he is now singing about heartbreak,death and nightmares.He is not as succesful as before.Music Is his way of dealing with his grief( just like good old friend Eminem). It is just how bullies are. When they feel alone and have a low self esteem they try make others suffer( just like Eminem). Sometimes it is unintentionally. He looks like he has got it all together with his flashy car and shades and rude behaviour but inside its a different scenario. I am not going to boycott his music like i did with Chris Brown( like some people are doing).
Peace and Love
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